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List of emoticons - Wikipedia, the free.
Skype Emoticons and Smileys, like all other Emoticons and Smileys, have evolved : over recent years. Initially they were simple graphics and about the same size as
List of Facebook Emoticons Code for FREE. Use it when chatting in Facebook with your friends.
Learn how to use Facebook Emoticons on chat, comments or statuses. Also learn how to install extra Facebook Emoticons.
BB Emoticons & Iphone - BlackBerry Forums. Animoticons
Emoticons Messenger
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Smilies, Smileys, Smilie, Emoticon
This is a list of notable and commonly used emoticons or textual portrayals of a writer's mood or facial expression in the form of icons. The Western use of emoticons

Facebook Emoticons
I have been using a BB for many years and love the emoticons and recently switched to an iPhone. The problem is that all my close friends still have BB's. If I
Kostenlose Smilies f r Dein Forum. Sofort einsatzbereit, da BBCode angezeigt wird.
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Emoticons Skype